Walk More – Live Longer

Walk More – Live Longer

We are all often worrying about how to fit exercise into our day, but many of us think of exercise as time consuming, not to mention equipment reliant and expensive. There is, however, a free and simple form of exercise we already know how to do: putting one foot in front of the other.

Not only does a decent amount of walking prevent against type 2 diabetes, it also reduces your risk of some cancers and strengthens your heart, brain and bones.

Walking can also transform your mental health by reducing levels of anxiety, tension and stress. It helps you sleep better, increases your energy levels and can also be a lot of fun; walking with a friend, co-worker or your dog!

Now, we’re not talking about just a leisurely stroll here (you have to put some effort in), but walking is still one of the easiest workouts to fit into your busy schedule. It can start with simply getting off the bus a few stops early or parking further away from the store. The ideal amount would be 30 minutes of accumulated, moderately intense walking—for example 3 brisk 10-minute walks throughout the day, or 10,000 steps recorded on a neat little pedometer at least 3 times a week.

The only real piece of “equipment” you need is a good pair of walking shoes suited to the arch of your foot and your gait. A little technique helps, too, so keep your head up, neck, shoulders and hands relaxed, arms at 90 degree angles and a nice heel to toe roll of your foot.

Walking burns almost as many calories as running, with a much lower risk of injury. One handy little table noted that, during an hour of moderate walking (3 mph), a 150 pound person burns 239 calories, and at a very brisk pace (4 mph), 307. Another table suggested 12,000 to 15,000 steps a day for successful, sustained weight loss. With a little planning, that pesky tummy fat and all the health risks it represents will be melting away in no time.

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