How To Streamline Your Life

How To Streamline Your Life

As a working mom, I always have something to do. Time is precious. Consequently, I’m always looking for ways to streamline and simplify my life. Since you only have so many hours in a day and can’t actually make “more” time, you have to do the best with what you’ve got…

So the million dollar question is “how do I do that?” Here are some of the ways to steal back some time:

  • Create routines and set up systems so life runs smoothly… but be able to adapt to change when life throws you a curve ball
  • Keep running lists for your shopping/errands and dedicate one day a week to getting them done
  • On the list above, plan for a week’s worth of meals and buy everything you need on that shopping day
  • Keep a running “to do” list – try separate ones for your home life and work life and cross tasks off the list once accomplished – when you take things one task at a time, they feel more do-able
  • Designate one day a month to sort and pay your bills
  • Clean as you go so things don’t pile up and become overwhelming
  • Put important dates and appointments in your calendar and set reminders
  • Plan your day to accomplish the most challenging tasks when you have the most energy and the routine ones when you have less energy
  • Prioritize your choices – do what is most important and when necessary, it’s OK to let some things slide (you are NOT a failure if you don’t get everything done all of the time)
  • Avoid procrastination – it only makes the task more daunting (and you have it hanging over your head until it’s done)
  • Delegate if you can
  • Learn to say no sometimes
  • Take at least 10 minutes a day to do something just for you
  • Go to bed 30 minutes earlier to get some extra quality time in bed
  • Try as much as possible to live in the present… as John Lennon famously said “life is what happens when you are busy making other plans”…

Some of these tips may seem easier said than done, but you can do it. Just take it slow and perhaps incorporate only a few tips at a time. As you make some changes and things get easier, it won’t be as difficult to create more ways to streamline your life. And the bonus reward? Stress reduction, increased productivity and a sense of accomplishment… and who doesn’t want some of that?

Share your tips on how to streamline your life with us here!

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