Tis the season to be sneezing, but you can avoid the sniffles

Tis the season to be sneezing, but you can avoid the sniffles

Don’t you just hate the itchy, runny nose and scratchy throat of a cold? Don’t you dread the total exhaustion and aches and pains of a bout of the flu? For Canada and the northern United States, November marks the beginning of the annual cold and flu season. Despite the medical world’s best efforts, a cure for the 200 plus cold viruses and myriad of flu strains remains elusive. However, there are measures you can take to reduce the risk of you or someone in your family coming down with a cold or the flu.

Get a flu shot. It’s not 100% effective, but it is a big step in the right direction.

Wash your hands often or clean them with one of the various hand sanitizers that are available today.

Disinfect surfaces around the home regularly, and include toys in the process if you have children.

Use disposable tissues to wipe and blow noses.

Avoid getting too close to people who you know are sick. Spending too much time around someone who obviously has a cold or the flu is just asking for trouble.

If, despite your best efforts, you end up catching a cold or, heaven forbid, the flu— here’s some natural ways to minimize discomfort while the virus runs its course.

Don’t sniff…blow your nose regularly to dispel mucus. And make sure you blow your nose the right way! Close one nostril with a finger and then blow gently down the other one.

Take it easy. Resting up will give your body chance to fight off the virus much more effectively than if you try to keep up your regular pace.

Gargle with salt or honey. Salt is a great antiseptic, and honey will soothe your sore throat.

A hot, steamy shower will do wonders to loosen up your blocked sinus passages. The steamier, the better.

Have a shot of alcohol. Turns out that grandma was right. Evidence is mounting that alcohol is a natural cough suppressant. Just one shot of whiskey or rum will quiet your cough and help you sleep better.

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