Volunteering Benefits and Tips

Volunteering Benefits and Tips

Being a career Mom means juggling many responsibilities and tasks, so who wants to add volunteering to all that, right? Volunteering doesn’t have to be time consuming, nor does it have to be a source of stress. Volunteering too much will counteract any of the benefits that come with giving your time and energy to others, so you need to find the perfect amount that suits your life.

Benefits of Volunteering

  • Connects you to new people and connects the community to you.
  • Boosts self-esteem.
  • Teaches your kids compassion and generosity, whether they watch you or participate themselves.
  • Lets you explore other passions or interests, which can add more fun and fulfillment to your life.
  • Provides an opportunity to learn new skills.

These benefits can all apply to your kids or your entire family if you volunteer together. Still not convinced you can fit volunteering into your schedule? Here are some ideas that might help:

Does your kid have a weekend or evening activity that you have to attend anyway? Find out if there’s any way you can help out.

  • Volunteering can be an excuse to get the kids to clean up! Once in a while, have everyone go through their closets and pick a few items to donate (clothes, toys, books etc.) and make a whole event out of it.
  • Want to start going to the gym but don’t really know anyone or don’t want to pay so much? At some YMCA’s, if you volunteer three hours a week, your membership is free! Not only will you make gym-friends but perhaps you can help out at a youth program that your child can attend, too!
  • There are also many options online, such as shopping from companies that donate part of their proceeds to charity.

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