10 Essential Kitchen Tools

10 Essential Kitchen Tools

When we think about creating wonderful dishes in the kitchen, we often dwell on the ingredients that are needed for the dish. However, to make the most of these ingredients, we need the right tools. There are a lot of gadgets out there which everyone thinks they need, but if you have the right essentials, you’ll be good to go. Here are the top 10 essential kitchen tools to have.

Wooden Cutting Board

A wooden cutting board will protect your countertops and knives, as well as allow for easy cutting of meat, fruit, vegetables and other ingredients. Wood cutting boards are great  because they won’t dull your knives quickly and are more sanitary than plastic or glass. They also look great, can come in a range of shapes, and can be personalized, such as engraved wood cutting boards from NGrava.

Chef’s Knife

Nice, smooth cuts made by a sharp knife is vital and will make your life in the kitchen a lot easier. You don’t want to be sawing away at a piece of meat, fruit or vegetable while making a mess and wasting time. A chef’s knife will absolutely change the way you prepare your food.

Non-stick Pan

A non-stick pan is a versatile must! Fry, sear, sauté, and steam all with one pan. If you decide to opt for a cast iron skillet, you could even bake things in the oven. You’ll be using this pan more than any other!


Have you ever tried to drain a pot of boiling water without the use of a colander? It’s a game of trying to get just the water out without losing any of the contents, such as pasta or vegetables, and attempting not to burn yourself on the steam. A colander will make things a lot easier and quicker for you!

Baking Sheet

These aren’t just for cookies! Baking sheets are great for baking chicken and fish, as well as roasting vegetables and bread crumbs. From sweet treats to complete dinners, you’ll be thankful you have a baking sheet to help.

Measuring Cups and Spoons

With some recipes, especially while baking, precision can be key. Measuring cups and spoons will help you ensure that too much of an ingredient or not enough won’t turn disastrous. You can avoid that with a set of measuring cups and spoons.

Oven Mitt

It goes without saying that safety in the kitchen is of utmost importance. You will absolutely need an oven mitt to pull things out of a hot oven. A dish cloth won’t cut it, as those extreme heats will go right through the fabric. You need an oven mitt that will keep hazardous heat away from your hands for longer periods of time.


Some people may think they can get away with a fork or spoon to stir up a mix. Wrong! A whisk works better to break up lumps, vital for most batters. Do you want the perfect pancakes in the morning or to bake show-stopping cupcakes? Then a whisk is your number one friend.

Metal Spatula

For flipping and stirring in a pan, a spatula becomes ideal. A thin-bladed spatula can scrape under pancakes for flipping and to transfer freshly baked cookies to a wire cooling rack. A medium sized one will flip burgers without having them falling apart.


While you can flip things without tongs, it can become a messy task. When you use tongs to flip hot foods, like meat roasting in the oven, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without one before!

With these tools, you’ll be set to start creating everything you can dream of. From snacks and treats to lunches and dinners! Your kitchen will be stocked with the best tools, as well as looking it’s best if you have an NGrava personalized wood cutting board, adding something special to your kitchen. Have a look at our range of wood cutting boards for some inspiration!

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