The Secret To Great Gift-Giving – Get It Right This Valentine’s Day!

The Secret To Great Gift-Giving – Get It Right This Valentine’s Day!

Over the years, I’ve received some amazing gifts and, of course, some not so amazing ones.  Outside of the big gestures i.e. jewelry, expensive luxury item, etc. the best gifts always come with a great deal of thought behind them.  So many of us have experienced the disappointment of receiving the less than perfect gift, which leads us to ask “why can’t he (or she) get it right”???

My husband is a last minute gift planner.  I’ve seen him put way more effort and thought into planning a friends’ bachelor party than he has for one of my birthdays, Mother’s Day, anniversary or Valentine’s Day.  That said, he will often buy me gifts for no reason or for no occasion – so it’s really these “Hallmark” dates that throw him off.  And for some reason, these silly dates somehow still mean something to me.  I know I could easily just tell him what to buy but I still hold out that slim bit of hope that this year he’ll just get it right on his own.
I would so much rather receive a handmade gift (at very little cost) than an expensive gift he bought on the fly.  I want to know that he invested his time in me.  Isn’t that what we all want – to know that our loved one is planning and trying to be creative in the hopes of pleasing us?  Isn’t it this process that somehow matters more than the actual gift in the end?  I’m not suggesting that it isn’t nice to receive a beautiful gift, but after almost 9 years with my husband, I much prefer and appreciate his time than anything else.
So here are some ways to put that thought behind Valentine’s Day this year:

  • Handmade coupons for a massage, a day off chores, no kid “duty” for a day, etc.  This can be personalized depending on your situation.
  • A surprise dinner with lots of little touches i.e. candles, music, flowers.  It can be as simple as a picnic (an indoors one if you live in a cold climate).  What you serve is not important – you can even order a pizza… it’s the ambiance that matters.
  • A collage of pictures capturing happy moments as a couple – bonus points if you put it in a frame or a picture book.
  • A CD with music from your past.
  • A romantic walk somewhere meaningful or beautiful – just the two of you.
  • A recreation of your first date.
  • If you have saved your wedding vows, re-read them together (or write some new ones together).
  • Leave little love notes in different places where he (or she) can find them throughout the day.

I can keep going, but I think you get the idea…
What do you think?  What’s your secret to great gift-giving?  Do you agree that the gift does not have to cost a lot and that it’s the thought that counts?

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